Everyday Spacer

Grow With Everyday Spacer as They Implement…



Star Parties:  Local teens, the National Park Systems and others


Trips:  Mt. Wilson, eclipses and special astronomical installations worldwide


Spacer Guild:  Membership site where people build their CV by doing real life projects for points and badges


Repair Cafés:  Preparing communities to live as if they were on a spaceship ‘space ship thinking’ also known as ‘green’ in recent years.



Ascender:  Getting to space by floating there, not blasting off.  Everyday Spacer plans to obtain and run this space-going vehicle for cargo, passengers and crew.


And More!

Also:  Everyday Space plans to institute, in no particular order…

Games & Apps, Homeschool Programming, Video series, Filk and Classic concerts, Actionable Conferences (akin to Maker Fairs) and an Annual Awards Gala

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Reaching over 162,000 diverse individuals in the space exploration community and beyond!


Conejo Valley Guide

AARP Local

Space Calendar

Thank you Pam for putting this together, and for helping me get a lot closer to home✌

JB The Curious Hippie Shandrew Member, Everyday Spacer Los Angeles

Regarding the JPL Free Public Tour November 14, 2016